Wednesday 11 May 2016

Equipment needed to practice Taekwondo

In this post we offer a presentation related equipment required
 to practice Taekwondo.

To access the presentation please click here.

We hope you like this new post.

Taekwondo World Powers 2012

In this new post we have a presentation
 with the world ranking taekwondo in 2012. 
To access the presentation click here.
We hope you like the post and presentation.

Coral Astrid Bistuer Ruiz

In this new post we will talk about Coral Bistuer,
 athlete Taekwondo.
To access the presentation please click here

We hope you like the new post.


Tuesday 10 May 2016

Benefits Taekwondo for Children

 In this post we offer a PDF talking 
about the benefits os taekwondo in children.

WTF Organization


ITF Organization

In this new post we will offer a presentation 
where we provide information on the ITF ORGANIZATION 
(International Taekwon-do Federation).

3º DAN Techniques

You can see the different techniques for examining 3rd DAN from the Spanish Federation of Taekwondo.


Monday 9 May 2016

Clasification fighters

In this post we are going to present the top ten of the world taekwondo fighters

We present them in this PRESENTATION

Taekwondo team from the University of Alicante

Here we have Taekwondo team from the University of Alicante hard combat training specialty.

He is a young and eager to improve and train to be champions Spain team.

Jumps and breaks

As we said in another publication, there is a discipline in which jumps and breaks practiced Taekwondo. Here you have a little video demonstration. We hope you like it.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Elastic bands

We show an example of specific training with elastic bands Taekwondo.

Friday 6 May 2016

Team from USA

Now, we want to teach a Taekwondo team from USA, this team is very good in the category of exhibition.

We hope you like it. The next video will be on the team of our university.

Taekwondo exhibition by the Korean army.

In this post you can see a brief display of 
taekwondo Korean army in Seúl (Korea South). 

To access the video click here.
We hope you like the video.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Interview with an athlete who practices Taekwondo

In this new post we offer an interview with an athlete who practices taekwondo. 

This is Fran, our intervewee. We would like to thank him for his cooperation.
You can read about his experience by clicking here

We hope you like it.

Spanish team of Taekwondo

Today we can see the Spanish team of Taekwondo in a special program of Spanish television, Teledeporte.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Metabolism used

Today we will talk about metabolism used for combat sports, and specifically on our taekwondo.

The new post will be in the form of PRESENTATION

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Reaction rate in sport

Reflexes, reaction rate, and all conditions of speed and training are important in creating a good athlete.

The methodology to create an improvement in these areas must be oriented games, playful exercises ...

We put an example for you can see how you can do:

Monday 25 April 2016

Taekwondo team's success at the University of Alicante in the CADU!!

Taekwondo team's success at the University of Alicante in the CADU!!

¡¡¡4 gold, 2 silvers and 1 bronze!!!

Very good participation of all competitors.

Absolute Category:

- Sandra Ferrer: GOLD -67kg
- Pablo Lopez: GOLD -80kg
- Miguel Gonzalez: SILVER -63kg
- Manuel Limorte: BRONZE -80kg
- Pelayo Del Valle: Fall quarter risking a medal at the Golden Spike!

Promotion Category:
- David Garrido: GOLD -74kg
- Oscar Jerez: GOLD -63kg
- Dario Lisón: SILVER -68kg

Congratulations to all the team!! Within two weeks we go to Spanish Championship!!

We are TKDUA!!

Sunday 24 April 2016

Caffeine and sport

Caffeine is an ergogenic aid. The term means ergogénesis energy production; if a particular manipulation improves performance through energy production, it is called ergogenic and if ergolítica reduced. Therefore, an ergogenic aid is any substance or phenomenon that enhances performance. In sporting terms, an ergogenic aid is any substance that helps us energy use including its production, utilization and efficiency purposes:..

You can see more information in PDF

Saturday 23 April 2016

Flexibility training in taekwondo

In this new post we will offer a presentation related to flexibility in taekwondo. To access it , click here.

Flexibility is the ability of muscle to perform joint possible without damaging the greatest tour. The amount of stretch is given by the maximum range of motion of all the muscles that make up a joint. It is involutive character since it is lost with the passage of time, so it is very important not to work. The flexibility does not generate movement, possible.

In taekwondo, flexibility is one of the most important capabilities. Athletes who practice Taekwondo must have well developed this physical capacity abilities, as today, the number of points that shed attacks on the upper body (head), require good elasticity.

 In addition, we attach a PDF document with flexibility exercises applied to taekwondo and two links to related Youtube videos flexibility.

Link to two videos from youtube:

Pdf designed by:   
T.S.U. Miguel Sáez.
Cinturón Negro 4to Dan en Taekwondo.
Fisioterapeuta Deportivo, Especialista en Vendajes Funcionales y Neuromusculares.
Jefe del servicio de Fisioterapia del instituto de Deportes del Estado Anzoátegui
Fisioterapeuta de la Federación Venezonala de Taekwondo.
K- Taping Terapista de la K- Taping Academy Alemana. 


Thursday 21 April 2016

Benefits for children to practice Taekwondo

Benefits for children to practice Taekwondo

Considered as an Olympic sport, taekwondo has become for those who practice it, in a way of life, an instrument to achieve physical and mental balance, resulting in happy, safe and successful people.

Taekwondo combines elements that lead to the realization of the human being in all the senses. The principles on which it is based martial art, make a fascinating and very beneficial discipline that is available to everyone, regardless of age or sex.

Improving their quality of life, day to day adults, youth and children who practice resulting in people with excellent physical condition, self-confident, self-disciplined and with high self-esteem.

In most cases, children who practice this sport, have shown positive changes in their behavior, both at home and at school and in the environment they usually develop.

This is because the Taekwondo tempers the character of children; for those who are very aggressive become more calm and conscious, while for children fmidos introverted and gives them more confidence, initiative and motivates them to learn to value themselves.

What kinds of benefits are demonstrated with the practice of Taekwondo:

1. Related to the physiological

▪ Improvement of the cardiovascular system.
▪ Improvement of the respiratory system.
▪ Improvement of the nervous system.

2. Related to the physical

▪ Increased muscle strength.
▪ Increase and improve power.
▪ Improved balance.
▪ Increased joint flexibility and muscle.
▪ Increased resistance.

3. Related mobility and dynamics

▪ Improved reflexes.
▪ Improvement of general muscle movements.
▪ Improved agility.
▪ Helps develop better and faster coordination capabilities.
▪ Boosts body awareness.

4. Related to the psychological and sociability

▪ Improved concentration.
▪ Capacity of self-mastery.
▪ Improving accountability.
▪ Through various tasks and varied exercises, it is inculcated in children and promotes camaraderie and teamwork.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Benefits of using the buccal

Using a "buccal"means a decrease in pressure in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) during the stressful situation, causing the lower jaw is placed in a more optimum position pivoting back and down at a slight arc.

Scientific studies with double blind (are studies with higher methodological quality) with a large population (more people still assume greater methodological quality) have demonstrated the following beneficial effects of using a "mouthparts:


In this study double blind demonstrated that the use of a tight mouth each individual improved grip strength in women and men with a level of confidence (reliability) of 95% thus improving athletic performance..


Using the mouthparts may decrease cortisol levels after 60 minutes of training resisted intense.
The study football players it shows that cortisol levels decreased by 51% at 10 minutes post-exercise participants who took oral versus those who did not used.
Decrease cortisol levels of an athlete faster after exercise gives your muscles a chance to recuperarse faster and prepared before the athlete for the next workout.


One study found that occur improvements in the exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) during physical activity. Participants with mouthparts obtained 29% more oxygen, segregating 21% more carbon dioxide than subjects whonot wearing.


A study tested whether oral improved muscular endurance. The intervention protocol consisted of 2 days. The first day the participants made ​​the maximum number of repetitions without oral 75% RM in the curl exercises preacher and bench press.
On day 2 did the same exercise with a mouth. The use of oral increased muscle strength in men and women by 10% in the bench press and 17% in the preacher curl, which could be applied to resistance training, thus obtaining a more than evident in the performance and strength improvements.


• the response of fight or flight may be beneficial facing the instant athletic performance.
• the response of fight or flight may be harmful if excessive.
• cortisol is the main hormone that is secreted during this process.
• we can manipulate the secretion of cortisol by using an apparatus oral modulating this response.

• the use of oral appliance can be an interesting tool in order to improve athletic performance in increasing strength, reducing cortisol after exercise, improved gas exchange and increased resistance muscular.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Nutrition and Taekwondo

Taekwondo is a martial art characterized by its extensive use of kicking techniques, which are much more varied and have greater prominence than in most martial arts.addition, the refined technique of the same make stand out for their great speed and accuracy.
It is characterized by an activity of high intensity anaerobic interspersed with submaximal aerobic work.

You can see the full article in PDF

Vocabulary specific of Taekwondo

Vocabulary of Taekwondo

Korean - Spanish - English

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Athletic performance and psychological training.

Controlling certain psychological skills has positive effects on athletic performance. An adequate psychological control can mean success.

Importance of psychological training in taekwondo.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Strength training with weights for taekwondo

In many years it has been questioned weight training however, there have been few scientific arguments that have demonstrated that this medium in the education of this capability which is crucial in sports development of any competitor is harmful to the body.  

Weight control, intensity, repetitions, the correct execution of the exercises, among other factors,foster improved performance in the different directions of force.
   The force can not be seen isolated from any component of the preparation and that it reverts great importance in improving other physical abilities,well as being a key link in the training of technical and tactical preparation of athletes.
   The relationship between force and other directions of propiciciara training ascending the growth of sports results and achieving athletes with less chance of trauma or injuries caused by low levels of muscle strength, which is very common in taekwondo competitors, by competitive features of this traumatic sport.
   The force influences indisputably in improving other physical abilities, and even in the technical and tactical competitors qualities and holds great relationship with the absence of lesions of different natures in s athletes within the brewing cycle.
the applications force in taekwondo are different during a competition but there's predominance explosive strength and resistance to the explosive force is why the orientation training in taekwondo should be directed to improvement of these subaddresses of forces that are determining factors in the achieving encouraging results.
   To substantially increase the levels of force generally,is necessary raise the maximum force the athlete which should take into account several factors which allow us improve gradually but cautiously maximum strength of subjects trained.

 Parameters to consider in controlling weight training
  1. Keep mind the chronological and biological age of the athlete.
  2. That the subject dominates the exercises correctly from the point of driving view.
  3. Controlling the speed of execution of the exercises.
  4. Never work with fixed percentages.
  5. Perform flexibility exercises before and after training
  6. Work as little possible with maximum percentages (100%).
  7. Consider the degree of freedom of the joints in the orientation of the exercises.
  8. The training must be according to individual test of 1 MR each athlete.
  9. Never extend the exercise in the directions of explosive force when there's decrease in ascelariòn movement.
  10. The pedagogical test shall every four weeks done.
  11. Working with the percentages stipulated for each direction of force.
 Their differences notable between strength training in men and women, that is why when selecting the means for training must be very careful. The neuromuscular system female body can not achieve the same yields than man's strength. In research conducted 272 women and 253 men Titte (RDA) found that the maximum strength of women is 40% below that of men. The proportion of active muscle mass to dead weight (adipose tissue) is worst in women. Ivanova in the USSR draws attention with respect to the plasticity of women, but also susceptibility to too high loads.
Because of the characteristics of the female organism not all exercises typical of men force are appropriate for women, exercises with deep dorsal flexion of the trunk should be limited as they can cause anteverciòn retroflexion or matrix. Therefore exercises are recommended to relax the spine, in the sitting position and general strengthening of the trunk muscles (extensor muscles dorsal and abdominal muscles straight and oblique.

The percentages of different directions with respect to the maximum force the athlete as well as the number of repetitions, rest, the number of series and comprehensive control of the means used foster the effectiveness of targeting specific power of sport.

Captura de pantalla (14).png

The following are a number of tools that can be used in training force for taekwondo athletes.
  • Squat 90 degrees.
  • Deep Squat.
  • Bench Press.
  • Quadriceps femoris (Machine).
  • Biceps femoris. (Machine).
  • Tijera front.
  • Suspension or climb the drawer overweight raising the leg pendulum the initial phase of a kick.
  • Brachial biceps.
  • Among other specific exercises overweight.
   These and other means may be used during different stages of training, depending on the specificity of work according to the stage, objectives meso or individual characteristics of athletes.

Is very important in the stages where resistance exercises using transfer methods, such as sprints jumps among others, combined and organized without deviating from the fundamental objective importantmaintain throughout the cycle stimuli force including former microcycle to competition because when theresystematic work Overweight subject organism adapts to the influence of external loads can impair performance hasty suspension thereof, but the orientation of the media must be more specific than previous stages