Wednesday 16 March 2016

Strength training with weights for taekwondo

In many years it has been questioned weight training however, there have been few scientific arguments that have demonstrated that this medium in the education of this capability which is crucial in sports development of any competitor is harmful to the body.  

Weight control, intensity, repetitions, the correct execution of the exercises, among other factors,foster improved performance in the different directions of force.
   The force can not be seen isolated from any component of the preparation and that it reverts great importance in improving other physical abilities,well as being a key link in the training of technical and tactical preparation of athletes.
   The relationship between force and other directions of propiciciara training ascending the growth of sports results and achieving athletes with less chance of trauma or injuries caused by low levels of muscle strength, which is very common in taekwondo competitors, by competitive features of this traumatic sport.
   The force influences indisputably in improving other physical abilities, and even in the technical and tactical competitors qualities and holds great relationship with the absence of lesions of different natures in s athletes within the brewing cycle.
the applications force in taekwondo are different during a competition but there's predominance explosive strength and resistance to the explosive force is why the orientation training in taekwondo should be directed to improvement of these subaddresses of forces that are determining factors in the achieving encouraging results.
   To substantially increase the levels of force generally,is necessary raise the maximum force the athlete which should take into account several factors which allow us improve gradually but cautiously maximum strength of subjects trained.

 Parameters to consider in controlling weight training
  1. Keep mind the chronological and biological age of the athlete.
  2. That the subject dominates the exercises correctly from the point of driving view.
  3. Controlling the speed of execution of the exercises.
  4. Never work with fixed percentages.
  5. Perform flexibility exercises before and after training
  6. Work as little possible with maximum percentages (100%).
  7. Consider the degree of freedom of the joints in the orientation of the exercises.
  8. The training must be according to individual test of 1 MR each athlete.
  9. Never extend the exercise in the directions of explosive force when there's decrease in ascelariòn movement.
  10. The pedagogical test shall every four weeks done.
  11. Working with the percentages stipulated for each direction of force.
 Their differences notable between strength training in men and women, that is why when selecting the means for training must be very careful. The neuromuscular system female body can not achieve the same yields than man's strength. In research conducted 272 women and 253 men Titte (RDA) found that the maximum strength of women is 40% below that of men. The proportion of active muscle mass to dead weight (adipose tissue) is worst in women. Ivanova in the USSR draws attention with respect to the plasticity of women, but also susceptibility to too high loads.
Because of the characteristics of the female organism not all exercises typical of men force are appropriate for women, exercises with deep dorsal flexion of the trunk should be limited as they can cause anteverciòn retroflexion or matrix. Therefore exercises are recommended to relax the spine, in the sitting position and general strengthening of the trunk muscles (extensor muscles dorsal and abdominal muscles straight and oblique.

The percentages of different directions with respect to the maximum force the athlete as well as the number of repetitions, rest, the number of series and comprehensive control of the means used foster the effectiveness of targeting specific power of sport.

Captura de pantalla (14).png

The following are a number of tools that can be used in training force for taekwondo athletes.
  • Squat 90 degrees.
  • Deep Squat.
  • Bench Press.
  • Quadriceps femoris (Machine).
  • Biceps femoris. (Machine).
  • Tijera front.
  • Suspension or climb the drawer overweight raising the leg pendulum the initial phase of a kick.
  • Brachial biceps.
  • Among other specific exercises overweight.
   These and other means may be used during different stages of training, depending on the specificity of work according to the stage, objectives meso or individual characteristics of athletes.

Is very important in the stages where resistance exercises using transfer methods, such as sprints jumps among others, combined and organized without deviating from the fundamental objective importantmaintain throughout the cycle stimuli force including former microcycle to competition because when theresystematic work Overweight subject organism adapts to the influence of external loads can impair performance hasty suspension thereof, but the orientation of the media must be more specific than previous stages

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